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Student Daily Responsibilities

  1. The beginning of class is very important. The routine is the same every day. The first thing you do in class is silently set-up. This includes: instrument, music, reeds, oil valves and slides, etc. 

  2. Enter the Band Room calmly and silently; get materials out quickly. Be alert to where the directors are, and when a director steps on the podium, all sound should cease. There is to be no talking during class unless a class or individual response is solicited.

  3. Behavior that interferes with the learning process or delays the class will not be tolerated.

  4. Be in your seat immediately following the tardy bell with band binder, pencils, oils, reeds, mallets and sticks, instrument, and whatever else you need to fully participate in class.

  5. During class, all instrument cases need to be closed and stored in lockers except for tubas, euphoniums, horns and percussion. Small instrument cases that can be stowed safely under chairs will be allowed in the band set-up (flutes, clarinets, alto saxophones, and trumpets).

  6. When not playing, students should be actively engaged in the rehearsal i.e.. fingering, slide positions, or stickings. All students need to be prepared play at any moment of rehearsal.

  7. Do not touch another student’s instrument, even with his or her permission.

  8. For your protection and for practicing purposes, instruments are to be taken home everyday.

  9. Instruments are only to be played in the FGC Band Room during designated class periods. Instruments should never be taken out of their cases except while they are in the Band Room. (Hallways, the gym, buses, and bus stops are not instrument playing areas.)

  10. No food, drink, gum, or running in the band room or practice rooms.

  11. Participate in class activities including singing, counting, playing, clapping and listening.

  12. Use correct posture when it is time to sing or play music.

  13. Be responsible for your instrument and music.

  14. Play a respectful sound on your instrument NOT loud obnoxious noises.

  15. Be prepared - bring your instrument, music binder, and band method book to every band class.

  16. Help out! Put things away in the proper place when you are done using them.

  17. Treat others how you would want to be treated, including the teacher.

  18. Do not leave class without permission or until you are excused.

  19. Have a good attitude.​

Consequences for misbehavior may include:

  1. First Offense- a warning issued.

  1. Second Offense- seating may be changed and student will be counseled following class as to what behavior modifications need to take place.

  2. Third Offense- parent contact will be made. Student also may be asked to pack up his or her instrument and given an alternative assignment (Behavior Self Review Worksheet or Think Time Activity Worksheet).

  3. Fourth Offense- Student/Parent Conference

  4. Fifth Offense- Office Referral

  5. Serious Offense- as outlined in the FGC Student Code of Conduct, serious offenses warrant an immediate office referral with school consequences.

Student Outcomes

  1. My group’s success depends on my contribution.

  2. I am responsible to and for my section, my ensemble and my program.

  3. My attitude will dictate my success.

  4. I will understand basic musical terminology and increase my musical vocabulary.

  5. I will play with my best tone at all times.

  6. I will play musically.

  7. I will come to each rehearsal and performance prepared to the best of my abilities.